22 luglio 2001

Sainsbury: no ai tagli dei prezzi


Il secondo supermercato britannico si chiama fuori dalla battaglia che sta impegnando Tesco, Asda e Safeway

Sainsbury, il secondo supermercato britannico, si dissocia dalla politica di taglio dei prezzi ribadita dai concorrenti Tesco, Asda e Safeway, che hanno annunciato tagli per complessivi Lst 260 milioni (oltre 800 miliardi di lire)

Sainsbury è impegnato a recuperare quote di mercato: nel 2000 la crescita del fatturato è stata pari al 2,3%, mentre Safeway è cresciuto del 6,1% e Tesco del 6,7%.

Nel mese di giugno 2001 la quota di mercato di Sainsbury era pari al 17,1%, in calo rispetto al 18% del maggio 2001.

La notizia completa:

J SAINSBURY, the UK?s second-biggest supermarket group, intends to ignore the trend set last month by Tesco of enticing customers into stores by cutting prices.

In the past five weeks Tesco, Asda and Safeway have used their annual shareholder meetings as a platform to promise price cuts totalling £260 million.

However, City analysts have dismissed the cuts as marketing ploys and Sainsbury?s is not expected to follow suit. A spokeswoman said: “It is not our strategy, although we are competitive on price.”

On Wednesday Sir Peter Davis, the Sainsbury chief executive, is expected to unveil first-quarter comparable sales growth of between 5 per cent and 6 per cent.

The grocer, which last year saw underlying sales rise by just 2.3 per cent, enjoyed a much stronger fourth quarter and analysts believe that the trend has continued.

Andrew Kasoulis, of CSFB, said: “This will be a significant improvement on what the market is used to seeing from Sainsbury?s.”

However, Mr Kasoulis added that the grocer had benefited from recent strong consumer demand and the return of inflation.

Even if Sainsbury?s achieves the top end of the forecast range, its growth rate will still lag behind its rivals.

Safeway saw turnover rise by 6.1 per cent, while Tesco enjoyed a 6.7 per cent increase over roughly the same period.

In June Sainsbury?s share of the UK grocery market slipped to just 17.1 per cent, according to Taylor Nelson Sofres, the market research company, down from 18 per cent in May. It is now at its lowest level for several years.

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